Algorithmic Trading is the platform where ideas are turned into mathematical models and then coded into computer programs for systematic trading. It is an ability where finance, trading, maths and computer sciences are combined. The computer algorithms are designed based on the arts performance of the strategy back-tested against historical information.

The objective is to introduce students with comprehensive aspects of Algorithmic Trading and execution. It is designed for both buy and sell-side industry. This course involves a top-down approach to Algorithmic Trading, in which we will equip students with the identification of target markets and trading styles for Algorithmic Trading, identified the factors driving the growth of electronic trading with an overview of Electronic and Algorithmic Trading, designing trading strategies and their algorithmic components.

Students also get opportunity to work on trading terminals, learn infrastructure requirements, techniques of risk management and portfolio improvement and business strategies to protect the combative provide in Algorithmic Trading.

Students/Corporate cover courses in finance, financial economics, financial econometrics, financial mathematics, stochastic calculus, numerical methods, monte carlo simulation, derivatives modelling, portfolio theory, portfolio optimization, performance analysis and financial risk analysis. You instruct to write financial applications and derivative modelling programs in VBA / C++, C# Sharp, Easy language making use of the theories and methods you have learned. You get hands-on learning session on the commercial Financial Software applications from Thomson Reuters. You also acquire to do assets financial modelling using the advanced features of Excel.


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