This is the first of its kind to focus specifically on financial technology trends, challenges, and their solutions. The course could not have come to the market at a more opportune moment. The financial trading industry, with broker-dealers, buy-side funds, exchanges, and venues of trade execution as its primary players, is experiencing a historical transformation.

This enormous change is being driven by deep underlying factors shaping global markets today, including:

  • The consolidation of execution venues and the birth of global exchanges
  • Competitive pressures on broker-dealers to offer electronic services and best order
    execution to their clients, and
  • Increased regulatory requirements from financial authorities to improve transparency
    for all market participants.
  • The Course introduces key concepts, the trade life cycle, and factors driving the growth of electronic trading with an overview of Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading, which defines important ideas and gives a historical perspective on the emergence of program and algorithmic trading.


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