Course Curriculum

Microsoft .Net
Introduction to Microsoft .NET 00:37:00
Using Visual Studio 00:23:00
Debugging 00:15:00
Intro to Variables – Data Types 00:43:00
Variables – Data Types 00:42:00
.NET Framework 00:38:00
Strings and Dates 00:48:00
Branching 00:28:00
Looping 00:23:00
Introduction 00:46:00
Properties 00:12:00
Methods 00:34:00
Advanced Methods 00:19:00
Inheritance 00:47:00
Interfaces 00:16:00
Organizing Classes 00:26:00
Introduction to Arrays 00:28:00
Manipulating Arrays 00:47:00
Motivating Delegates 00:18:00
Introducing Delegates 00:21:00
Events 00:31:00
Introducing Generics 00:16:00
Generics and Arrays 00:26:00
Generic Interfaces Constraints 00:17:00
Generic Lists 00:12:00
Handling Exceptions 00:29:00
Creating and Throwing Exceptions 00:16:00
Generic List 00:33:00
List Sorting 00:25:00
Other Collections 00:36:00
Language Extensions 00:12:00
Lambda Expressions 00:41:00

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